Heritales @ SHE – Évora – Portugal (21st of July 2022)

Giuseppe, a Shepherd from the City Outskirts & Djurdjevdan Is Yet To Come

The cinema cycle at SHE “In a corner of the world, four different heritages”, will be dedicated to discovering heritages that remain isolated, or are at risk of disappearing.

The fourth session takes us to Europe. First, we accompanied Pastor Giuseppe around Nuoro, on the island of Sardinia (Italy). As he leads his flock to the nearby pastures, he shows them how he has to deal with the traffic and strict rules of the city. The film ironically conveys the contradictions of the decaying value of rural life and Giuseppe’s strong attachment to it.
Then we see the “Djurdjevdan” ceremony, registered in the National Intangible Cultural Heritage of Serbia. The inhabitants of Oparic (Levac) prepare the Saint Patron’s Day dedicated to the Great Martyr Saint George, to glorify the holiday that follows winter, evoke spring and awaken the senses and harvests. People, plants and legends in this village still weave the colorful crowns of Djurdjevdan together, kill sheep and steal doors, from the beginning of time until now.

More Info about the film “Giuseppe pastore di periferia” here

More Info about the film “Djurdjevdan” here

  • Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, seniors, students, researchers.
  • Day: 21st of July 2022
  • Time: 21.30
  • Duration: 60 min + debate
  • Location: Sociedade Harminia Eborense –  Evora
  • Presence of the director: Online
  • Registration: Not necessary but preferred
  • Extra Activities: Film projection anticipated by Crowd-Recycling recycling workshop: “bring your scissors and make a purse”, with María Zozaya-Montes. Presentation by MariaZozaya, Takis Sarantoupolos, technical direction by Fernando Mendes SHE.