Heritales @ The National Museum of Coches – Lisbon – Portugal (18th – 19th of May 2024)

  • Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, seniors, researchers, cultural programmers, families, and children
  • Day: 18th – 19th of May 2024
  • Time: 11.00 Saturday, 18.00 Saturday, 11.00 Sunday
  • Duration: 60min each session
  • Location: National Museum of Coches Lisbon
  • Registration: free entry
  • Notes: Film projection followed by a debate with festival organizers Maria Zozaya and directors of the films Violeta Lap and  Gustavo Neves from Meraki.

Heritales @ SHE – Évora – Portugal (21st of July 2022)

Giuseppe, a Shepherd from the City Outskirts & Djurdjevdan Is Yet To Come

The cinema cycle at SHE “In a corner of the world, four different heritages”, will be dedicated to discovering heritages that remain isolated, or are at risk of disappearing.

The fourth session takes us to Europe. First, we accompanied Pastor Giuseppe around Nuoro, on the island of Sardinia (Italy). As he leads his flock to the nearby pastures, he shows them how he has to deal with the traffic and strict rules of the city. The film ironically conveys the contradictions of the decaying value of rural life and Giuseppe’s strong attachment to it.
Then we see the “Djurdjevdan” ceremony, registered in the National Intangible Cultural Heritage of Serbia. The inhabitants of Oparic (Levac) prepare the Saint Patron’s Day dedicated to the Great Martyr Saint George, to glorify the holiday that follows winter, evoke spring and awaken the senses and harvests. People, plants and legends in this village still weave the colorful crowns of Djurdjevdan together, kill sheep and steal doors, from the beginning of time until now.

More Info about the film “Giuseppe pastore di periferia” here

More Info about the film “Djurdjevdan” here

  • Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, seniors, students, researchers.
  • Day: 21st of July 2022
  • Time: 21.30
  • Duration: 60 min + debate
  • Location: Sociedade Harminia Eborense –  Evora
  • Presence of the director: Online
  • Registration: Not necessary but preferred
  • Extra Activities: Film projection anticipated by Crowd-Recycling recycling workshop: “bring your scissors and make a purse”, with María Zozaya-Montes. Presentation by MariaZozaya, Takis Sarantoupolos, technical direction by Fernando Mendes SHE.

Heritales @ SHE – Évora – Portugal (19th of July 2022)

King for a Day

The cinema cycle at SHE “In a corner of the world, four different heritages”, will be dedicated to discovering heritages that remain isolated, or are at risk of disappearing.

The third session takes us to the British community of Padstow. Between archival footage, ritual recordings and interviews with Cornwall natives over 9 years, this documentary shows what “May Day” means to them, which is a ritual to welcome summer on the 1st of May. It reveals the fragility of a community that sees its centuries-old traditions disappear under the pressure of a constantly changing world. Will this be the last generation to call ‘Old Oss’ from its stable to welcome summer? The tensions between tradition and progress reveal the importance of cultural identity in a globalized society, between friendship, hope, celebration and unity.

More Info about the film here

  • Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, seniors, students, researchers.
  • Day: 19th of July 2022
  • Time: 21.30
  • Duration: 60 min + debate
  • Location: Sociedade Harminia Eborense –  Evora
  • Presence of the director: no
  • Registration: Not necessary but preferred
  • Extra Activities: Film projection anticipated by a tutorial of recycling CrowdRecycling with Maria Zozaya, presentation by MariaZozaya, Takis Sarantoupolos, technical direction by Fernando Mendes SHE

Heritales @ Teatro do Recreio Desportivo da Trafaria (Casino) (20th of March 2022)

Cinema in the Casino

Once again we invite you  to come and join us at the Recreios Desportivos da Trafaria in collaboration with Canto do Curió .
Free animated movie session for children and families.
This session is part of the monthly Film Cycle at Recreios Desportivos da Trafaria
The films are kindly offered by the biggest animation festival in the country Monstrafestival under the project Mostrinha which aims to bring animated films to childreen that cannot assist in the main event in the center of Lisbon.
This session is promoted by the Commission of Residents of the Neighborhoods Madame Faber and 1.º Torrão e Canto do Curió Cultural Association, with support from the National Program Healthy Neighborhoods and the Union of Parishes of Caparica and Trafaria.

Please join us on  this magic Sunday Morning in one of the most beautiful setting of the Lisbon region. The old Casino of Trafaria, on the river Tagus will host this event and it will welcome you in its beautiful renewed premise.


  • Target Audience: General public, families, children, adults, seniors, schools.
  • Day: 20th of March 2022
  • Time: 11.30
  • Duration: 50 min
  • Location: Teatro do Recreio Desportivo da Trafaria (Portugal)
  • Registration: No registration, free entry but limited spaces available
  • Presence of the director: no
  • Extra Activities: Presentation by Nicola Schiavottiello (Co-director Heritales)

Heritales @ Teatro do Recreio Desportivo da Trafaria (Casino) (28th of September 2019)

Games in the Casino

Playing is one of the best learning practice for children and adults as stress by Johan Huizinga, Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play-Element in Culture
This is why for the European days of Heritage we decide to propose to the public a unique event of two parallel games activities: the first is dedicated to board games that will present to the audience the possibility to challenge each other throughout competitions of intelligence and other rapid skills The games will be a compendium of traditional and more modern games that revisit cultural heritages from all over the world such as Carrom(India) and Mancala (Africa), but also more modern board games dealing with archaeological quests and storytelling challenges.
The second will propose the presentation on a big screen of different video-games, from the more historical classical titles such as Portugal 1111 to the exploration mode of Assassin Creed. Moreover we will present video-games made by independents companies. These nowadays are exploring the possibility of creating work inspired in collaboration with indigenous tribes in order to promote titles that, as Gabrielle Hughes in the 2017 Edition of Heritales Film Festival presented: “respect the authenticity and protection for Indigenous heritage”.

  • Target Audience: General public, families, children, adults, seniors,
  • Day: 28th of September 2019
  • Time: 17.00
  • Duration: 60min
  • Location: Teatro do Recreio Desportivo da Trafaria (Portugal)
  • Registration: No registration required but limited space available

FCAT & Heritales @ Evora – Portugal (22nd-23rd of February 2019)

Program (Spanish)

HERITALES @ Casa da América Latina – Lisbon (1st -2nd of October 2018)

Cultural Heritage, Interfaces and new Media – Worshops with Marina Thomé and Marcia Mansur

Digital platforms are transforming the way photographers, documentarists and journalists create and express audiovisual narratives. Every day, about 1.8 billion digital images are published on the web. The web environment and contemporary media enable meetings of different perspectives, participatory narratives and new formats of storytelling through different interfaces, mobile solutions, immersive experiences in virtual real age, web documentaries and mapped audiovisual projections.

The program immerses in concepts and cases that use multi-platform narratives as support for documentary content, discusses production steps and questions how interactivity transforms distribution possibilities, social impact and engagement.The activity will discuss the relationship creative use of the documentary process and the promotion of dialogue on cultural diversity, memory and territory; and how to combine photography, video and audio in transmedia projects to promote cultural goods. Topics include: immaterial cultural heritage and safeguards, participatory narratives and cartography, interactive documentary production, and collaborative content platforms.


  • Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, seniors
  • Day: Monday – Tuesday, 1st – 2nd of October
  • Time: 18:00
  • Duration: 240 min
  • Language: Portuguese/English
  • Location: Casa da América Latina
  • Presence of the director: Yes
  • Registration: This activity  requires booking. The limit of participants is 20.
  • Extra Activities: Lecture + film on the 3d of October