Heritales @ University Lusofona – Lisbon (29th of May 2019)

Animation competition session 2019.

A unique event at the most appealing university in Lisbon that will bring 14 short animations on the theme of heritage, rituals and cultures from around the world.
An occasion not to be missed in the late afternoon of the 29th, in the Q auditorium, traveling in the images of these magical worlds full of colors, flavors and unique sensations created by the hand of talented filmmakers.:

Windows, Another Rhythm,
The request of the bride in San Bartolomé Xicomulco, Isolation, Monk, Nawabi Baluchari, A festive Wind, Chitrakathi, Dvandva (द्वंद्व), The Stone Carver, Harvest, Land without Evil, After Flame, New Year.

  • Target Audience: Geral, familias, crianças, adultos, seniors,
  • Day: 29th of May de 2019
  • Time: 18.00
  • Duration: 60min
  • Location: University Lusofona (Portugal)
  • Presence of the director: no
  • Registration: not necessary
  • Extra activities: Presentation Nicola Schiavottiello co-director Heritales.

Download event’s poster