Heritales @ NEI European Reserchers Night – Évora – Portugal (29th of September 2023)

Heritales in the NEI European Reserchers Night

Selection of the Heritales Heritage Film Festival (2017-2023): sustainability and inclusion in short films and animations (France, Portugal, Iran). The session is made up of the following parts:

I- 22/22h30- 23h30 Screening of the Heritales films and animations in continuous screening blocks.
Activity to take place at night, projection in an outdoor space, on a wall in the Fish Market (Praça 1 de Maio).

II- 23h30-24h00 Debate. Session to raise awareness of the values of social inclusion, cultural diversity, the importance of respect for nature for sustainability and the maintenance of traditional forms of cultural heritage.


More Info about the film “Blue” here

More Info about the film “Germinación “Zeed sprouting” here

More Info about the film “Germinación “ Insolation” here

More Info about the film “Outro Ritmo” here

More Info about the film “Nawabi Baluchari” here

More Info about the film “Chitrakathi” here

  • Target Audience: Family and kids, General public, youth, adults, seniors, researchers, cultural programmers.
  • Day: 29th of September 2023
  • Time: 22.00-24:00
  • Duration: 120 min repeting session with debate
  • Location : Divinus Gourmet, Praça 1 de Maio – Mercado do Peixe, Évora – Portugal
  • Registration: free entry
  • Notes: Film projection followed by debate with festival organizers. Coordinator of the session: Maria Zozaya. Partecipation of Takis Sarantoupolos. Technical director Fernando Mendes, Collaborator Nuno Pardal.