Heritales @ Teatro do Recreio Desportivo da Trafaria (Casino) (26th of February 2022)

Cinema in the Casino

This Saturday we are projecting some of the animations of our past editions. Come and join us at the Recreios Desportivos da Trafaria in collaboration with Canto do Curió .
Free animated movie session for children and families.
This session is part of the monthly Film Cycle at Recreios Desportivos da Trafaria
The films to be shown are animated shorts that participated in this film festival. They are: Alda, Florigami, Fontes Renováveis, Four Fold, I am Tree, Land without evil, Names of the Months, Papital, The Myth of Tsou, Wild as raspberry, Zeed sprouting
This session is promoted by the Commission of Residents of the Neighborhoods Madame Faber and 1.º Torrão e Canto do Curió Cultural Association, with support from the National Program Healthy Neighborhoods and the Union of Parishes of Caparica and Trafaria.

Please join us in this magic Saturday afternoon on one of the most beautiful setting of the Lisbon region. The old Casino of Trafaria, on the river Tagus will host this event and it will welcome you in its beautiful renewed premise.


  • Target Audience: General public, families, children, adults, seniors,
  • Day: 22nd of February 2022
  • Time: 15.00
  • Duration: 75min
  • Location: Teatro do Recreio Desportivo da Trafaria (Portugal)
  • Registration: No registration, free entry but limited sopaces available
  • Presence of the director: Yes
  • Extra Activities: Presentation by Nicola Schiavottiello (Co-director Heritales)