Heritales Awards – Lisboa/Trafaria – Portugal (25th – 26th of September 2020)

Award Cerimony & Residency 2020

Heritales celebrates the award ceremony and the residency of the online 2020 competition. We would like to invite all our fans for 2 days of Heritage films activities. The award event will take place online at the Nacinal Museum of Ethnology while the residency will take place on the opposite side of the river Tejo in the beutiful fishing village of Trafaria. Due to the current situacion this year we need to restrict tha available places so don’t forget to reserve yours at: info@heritales.com

  • Target Audience: General public, families, children, adults, seniors,
  • Day: 25th & 26th of September 2020
  • Time: See poster
  • Duration: See poster
  • Location:

25th of September Online at https://www.heritales.org/wp/live/

26th of September Antigo Presidio da Trafaria – Trafaria (Portugal)

26th of September Recreio Desportivo da TrafairaTrafaria (Portugal)

  • Presence of the director: Yes
  • Registration: Please send us an email with the name and surname of all the partecipants at: info@heritales.org
  • Extra Activities: Presentation and debate with all the members of Heritales and director of the 2020 edition

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Download Poster in PDF Portuguese