Heritales Awards – Lisbon – Portugal (23rd of September 2022)

Awards Ceremony & Films Screening 2022

Heritales celebrates the awards ceremony of the 2022 competition. We would like to invite all our fans for a night of films about Natural and Urban Heritage. The event will take place at the  National Museum of Ethnology in Lisbon.

This year we are going to explore amazing work from all over the world that showes “sustainable communities for natural and urban Heritage”, inline with the theme of  2022 edition of the JEP (Heritage European Days) Sustainable Heritage


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  • Target Audience: Researchers, heritage passionate and general public.
  • Day: 23rd of September 2022
  • Time: 21.00
  • Duration: 120min
  • Location: National Museum of Ethnology Lisbon
  • Presence of the director: Online
  • Registration: Please send us an email with the name and surname of all the partecipants at: info@heritales.org
  • Extra Activities: Presentation and debate with all the members, partners and directors of the 2022 edition.


Heritales @ SHE – Evora – Portugal (9th of June 2021)

  • Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, seniors, researchers, cultural programmers.
  • Day: 9 of June 2021
  • Time: 18.00
  • Duration: 90min
  • Location : Sociedade Harminia Eborense –  Evora
  • Registration: Only members of SHE. It is possible to register for membership
  • Notes: Film projection followed by debate with thedirector Isabella Galante moderate  by M. Zozaya , Takis, Fernando Mendes

Heritales @ SHE – Evora – Portugal (19th of April 2021)

  • Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, seniors, researchers, cultural programmers.
  • Day: 19 of April 2021
  • Time: 18.00
  • Duration: 90min
  • Location : Sociedade Harminia Eborense –  Evora
  • Registration: Only members of SHE. It is possible to register for membership
  • Notes: Film projection followed by debate by M. Zozaya , Takis, Fernando Mendes

Heritales @ SHE – Evora – Portugal (3rd of December 2020)

  • Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, seniors, researchers, cultural programmers.
  • Day: 3 of December 2020
  • Time: 19.00
  • Duration: 90min
  • Location : Sociedade Harminia Eborense –  Evora
  • Registration: Only members of SHE. It is possible to register for membership
  • Notes: Film projection followed by debate by M. Zozaya , Takis, Fernando Mendes

“The 5th Step”, 2005, 16’. Dir. Mariana Conde, Donna Mabey & Josephine Reynolds.

“Cópia criativa” 2020, 7’ . Dir. Takis.

“Making-off de um filme” .
Fotografias. Dir. Jorge Fanico.
Film Making Off. Dir. Maria Zozaya & Fernando Mendes. Ante-estreia.

Heritales Awards – Lisboa/Trafaria – Portugal (25th – 26th of September 2020)

Award Cerimony & Residency 2020

Heritales celebrates the award ceremony and the residency of the online 2020 competition. We would like to invite all our fans for 2 days of Heritage films activities. The award event will take place online at the Nacinal Museum of Ethnology while the residency will take place on the opposite side of the river Tejo in the beutiful fishing village of Trafaria. Due to the current situacion this year we need to restrict tha available places so don’t forget to reserve yours at: info@heritales.com

  • Target Audience: General public, families, children, adults, seniors,
  • Day: 25th & 26th of September 2020
  • Time: See poster
  • Duration: See poster
  • Location:

25th of September Online at https://www.heritales.org/wp/live/

26th of September Antigo Presidio da Trafaria – Trafaria (Portugal)

26th of September Recreio Desportivo da TrafairaTrafaria (Portugal)

  • Presence of the director: Yes
  • Registration: Please send us an email with the name and surname of all the partecipants at: info@heritales.org
  • Extra Activities: Presentation and debate with all the members of Heritales and director of the 2020 edition

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Ventana|Janela, FCAT & Heritales @ SHE – Evora – Portugal (16th -17th of September 2020)

  • Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, seniors, researchers, cultural programmers.
  • Day: 16-17 of September 2020
  • Time: 22.00
  • Duration: 90min
  • Location : Sociedade Harminia Eborense –  Evora
  • Registration: Only members of SHE. It is possible to register for membership
  • Notes: Presentation of short films followed by debate

IKHWENE («FRATERNIDAD») (16 of September 2020)

Mohamed is a hardened pastor living in the Tunisian countryside with his wife and two children. When his eldest son, Malek, returns from Syria with a young woman wearing a nicab, he is deeply disturbed and begins to distrust. The growing tension between father and son reaches the point of no return.

Túnez, 2018 (25´)


UN METIER BIEN (16 of September 2020)

When his mother dies, Hakim, a young  Frenchman of North African origin, decides to find a good job and to sort himself out. His neighborhood does not offer much and Hakim ends up selling hijabs in a shop run by fervent Muslims..

Algery/France 2015 (24´)


Une place dans l’avion (16 of September 2020)

A radio station announces that a special plane bound for the United States has been made available to anyone who wants to emigrate, just ask, there are no other conditions, but places are limited. Moussa, who has always dreamed of leaving, decides to give it a try.

Sénégal, 2016 (17´)


La Laine Sur Le Dos (17 of September 2020)

Two policemen stop an old truck full of sheep driven by an older man accompanied by his grandson on a road in the Tunisian desert. In order to continue on their way to the market, they will have to accept a curious deal …

Túnez, 2016 (16´)


IL PLEUT SUR OUAGA (17 of September 2020)

It’s raining on Ouaga. It’s the season of love, and the country is rebuilding after the revolution. Alpha is about to leave his country to join his French girlfriend, but finds that leaving isn’t so easy. His meeting with Leila opens his eyes.

Burkina Faso, 2017 (24.36´)


LES PASTÈQUES DU CHEIKH (17 of September 2020)

Sheikh Taher is a godly and respected imam. He agrees to pray over the remains of a woman he does not know, but his act of piety proves to be one sin too many and will precipitate the undermining of his power by Hamid, his ambitious and Machiavellian young underling..

Tunez, 2018 (23´)


Heritales @ Cova do Vapor – Trafaria – Portugal (10th of July 2020)

Cinema in the Outdoor

On the 10 of june Heritales will collaborate with the Biblioteca do Vapor for an exciting night under the stars!
Come to assist in asession of outdoor scinema with all the family and have a different night.


  • Target Audience: General public, families, children, adults, seniors,
  • Day: 10th of July 2019
  • Time: 21.30
  • Duration: 90min
  • Location:  Jardin das Merendas Cova Do Vapor  – Trafaria
  • Presence of the director: No
  • Registration: No registration required but lçimited space available
  • Extra Activities: Presentation and debate with Nicola Schiavottiello co-directors of Heritales.

Fontes hidrotermais. Uma fonte de vida ou uma fonte de mistérios? Quando se perde no oceano profundo, o Tentáculos encontra um surpreendente oásis de vida. Junta-te ao Tentáculos para perceber como pode haver vida nas fontes hidrotermais.

Oceanos. Uma fonte interminável de energia limpa.
O Tentáculos sente-se sem energia, mas o que não falta é energia no oceano. Junta-te ao Tentáculos e vem descobrir como podemos aproveitar a energia do mar.

Onda da Nazaré. Uma onda tão grande como a sua fama.
No maravilhoso oceano do Tentáculos há uma onda que se destaca: a onda da Nazaré. Chega a ter mais de 20 metros de altura e atrai surfistas destemidos de todo o mundo. Junta-te ao Tentáculos e vem saber mais sobre esta onda gigante.

A sardinha e o upwelling. Uma história que acaba no prato ou no pão.
Enquanto o Tentáculos se diverte num arraial dos santos populares, descobre porque é que as sardinhadas são o pitéu de eleição dos portugueses durante o verão.

Oceano. O grande pulmão azul.
Temos mais a agradecer ao oceano do que o que pensamos. Junta-te ao Tentáculos, enquanto este se tenta desembaraçar de uma alga teimosa, e descobre mais sobre o importante papel do oceano para o planeta Terra.

Client: SNIMAR -Sistema De Nacional de Informaçao Do Mar


Nuno Beato ThumbNuno Beato

Nuno Beato was born in 1977. He decided to open LAMPADACESA in 1998, after working with other producers. His career in the Animation Cinema has been in continuous growth. He likes to experiment new techniques and explore different materials.


Category: Documentary-Animation Duration: 60′ – Spoken Language: Portuguese – Subtitle Available: English Production Date: 2016 – Producer/Production Entity: EMEPC, Sardinha em Lataf

Heritales @ Biblioteca Municipal Almeida Faria – Montemor-O-Novo – Portugal (25th of October 2019)

Cinema e Resistência

The CineClube & Municipal Theater of Montemor-o-Novo in partnership with the Festival Heritales, are joining once again for the event Cinema e Resistência at the  auditory of the Biblioteca Municipal Almeida Faria in Montemor-o-Novo (Portugal).

The Montemor-o-Novo Municipal Cineclub & Film Library, in partnership with the Almeida Faria Municipal Library Reading Club, promotes literary journeys and a film cycle on the theme of resistance.

The Cinema and Resistance cycle intends to contribute to launch the debate about the relations between the act of making cinema and the act of resist. The resistance to Status Quo, the resistance of the black woman and the representativeness of the Blacks, The resistance and the body or the memory and the Resistance. Resist making cinema as a way to fight for the rights of the oppressed, the discriminated or for denouncing and combating racism. These are just some of the aspects to be addressed by programming the CINEMA AND RESISTANCE Cycle.

  • Target Audience: General public, families, children, adults, seniors,
  • Day: 25th of October 2019
  • Time: 21.30
  • Duration: 90min
  • Location:  Municipal Library of Montemor-O-Novo
  • Presence of the director: Video-conference
  • Registration: No registration required but lçimited space available
  • Extra Activities: Presentation and debate with Nicola Schiavottiello & Maria Zozaya  co-directors of Heritales.

Download event’s poster

Download event’s program (Portuguese)

They won’t steal my voice

Lisbon; March 2018. At the Women’s March,
against wage inequality,
gentrification, xenophobia, gender violence,
femicide. Adelaide (36), poet, and Naire (68),
retired lawyer march together for
changes while unraveling the differences
generational in their struggles. Six days later, at
Brazil, Marielle Franco is murdered. Not us
We will shut up.

Terra Yanomami

claudia-andujar ImageThe Yanomami have not been properly consulted about their views and have little access to independent information about the impacts of mining.

Davi Kopenawa, a leading Yanomami spokesman and President of Hutukara

Yanomami Association, warns of the dangers.

‘The Yanomami people do not want the national congress to approve the law or the president to sign it. We do not want to accept this law.

‘Our land has to be respected. Our land is our heritage, a heritage which protects us.’

‘Mining will only destroy nature. It will only destroy the streams and the rivers and kill the fish and kill the environment – and kill us. And bring in diseases which never existed in our land.’


Tempestades Ensaio  de Um Ensaio

A documentary essay about text
that penetrates lives and lives that penetrate text.
In September 2015 the GRIOT theater – a company in Lisbon, whose actors are mostly afro-descendants – started the rehearsal of The Tempest, original title) with acclaimed director Bruno Bravo in a small coastal village. Starting with the first rehearsals the movie explores the text Shakespeare and the biography of the actors, the play and the landscape and covers topics such as memory, home, emigration, colonialism and resistance. A complex mosaic of multiple voices.

Heritales @ Centro de Inovação da Mouraria Creative Hub (6th of July 2019)

Heritales Awards Night

We are honored to invite you to the to the awards night of the III Heritales – International Heritage Film Festival. We will be hosted by the fantastic Centro de Inovação da Mouraria / Mouraria Creative Hub in the heart of Lisbon. An event not to be missed with the projections of the winners of the competition 2018/2019. The event is free with lots of surprises. Please do not hesitate to contact us for some more information, we will be waiting you in this magic setting!

  • Target Audience: General public, families, children, adults, seniors,
  • Day: 6th of July 2019
  • Time: 21.00
  • Duration: 240min
  • Location: Centro de Inovação da Mouraria
  • Presence of the director: Yes
  • Registration: No registration required but limited space available
  • Extra Activities: Presentation and debate with Nicola Schiavottiello co-director Heritales.

Download event’s poster

Heritales @ Universidade Popular Almada (8th and 22nd of June 2019)

Noites Lusófonas

Two magic nights at the Popular University of Almada. We arre goig to repeat some of the film projected during the year wich ar part of the 2018/19 comeptitions. The films are:

8th: Bondança & A Mezinha do Santo

22nd: Filmclubismin BF & Marabaixo Stories

Come early to find space!

  • Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, seniors
  • Day: 8th and 22nd of June 2019
  • Time: 21.00
  • Duration: 60min + debates
  • Location: Universidade Popular Almada
  • Presence of the director: Video-conference
  • Registration: Not necessary but limited spaces available
  • Extra Activities: Presence of the Heritales director Nicola Schiavottiello. Presentation of the award ceremony on the 28th of June 2019.