Tupinabá Lambido
Tupinambá Lambido is the name of a wheatpaste poster campaign conducted by a group of artists living and working in Rio de Janeiro. The posters created by the group adopt the large format (3.20 by 1.90 m) used for advertising shows and events in the city, but they subvert this popular media through the use of humor and wit to resist and protest against the coup d’état that led to the deposition of the brazilian President Dilma Rousseff in 2016
- Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, seniors
- Day: 9th of May 2019
- Time: 20.00
- Duration: 10min + debate
- Location: Casa do Brasil (Lisboa)
- Presence of the director: Teleconference
- Registration: No registration required but limited space available
- Extra Activities: Presentation and debate with Nicola Schiavottiello, co-director of the Heritales – International Heritage Film Festival.