HERITALES @ EarthFest (Sunday 22nd of April 2018)

Cine-Debate: ‘Bondança’

HERITALES brings to EARTHfest 2018 the documentary ‘Bondança’ (Abundance).

Directed by Manuela Barile, with research by Luis Costa and Manuela Barile and local mediation by Isabel Silvestre, ‘Bondança’ is  an almost wordless documentary about the yearly celebration of corn in a tiny rural village of the municipality of São Pedro do Sul (Viseu Dão Lafões Region), from its seeding to the making of corn bread, intertwined with many of the local female polyphonic chanting.
The presentation of the films and moderation of the debate will be in charge of Nicola Schiavottiello, with online guests Luis Costa and Manuela Barile.


All calls now extended to the 15th of May 2024!


Free entry for students with institution email, please contact us with your institution emails and ask for a free pass code

Please go to the Calls Section and submit your work