HERITALES @ Casa da América Latina – Lisbon (1st -2nd of October 2018)

Cultural Heritage, Interfaces and new Media – Worshops with Marina Thomé and Marcia Mansur

Digital platforms are transforming the way photographers, documentarists and journalists create and express audiovisual narratives. Every day, about 1.8 billion digital images are published on the web. The web environment and contemporary media enable meetings of different perspectives, participatory narratives and new formats of storytelling through different interfaces, mobile solutions, immersive experiences in virtual real age, web documentaries and mapped audiovisual projections.

The program immerses in concepts and cases that use multi-platform narratives as support for documentary content, discusses production steps and questions how interactivity transforms distribution possibilities, social impact and engagement.The activity will discuss the relationship creative use of the documentary process and the promotion of dialogue on cultural diversity, memory and territory; and how to combine photography, video and audio in transmedia projects to promote cultural goods. Topics include: immaterial cultural heritage and safeguards, participatory narratives and cartography, interactive documentary production, and collaborative content platforms.


  • Target Audience: General public, youth, adults, seniors
  • Day: Monday – Tuesday, 1st – 2nd of October
  • Time: 18:00
  • Duration: 240 min
  • Language: Portuguese/English
  • Location: Casa da América Latina
  • Presence of the director: Yes
  • Registration: This activity  requires booking. The limit of participants is 20.
  • Extra Activities: Lecture + film on the 3d of October